Why corona virus is most popular in the world? Why every country has serious awareness? Why corona virus stuffed every human into their home?

In this century we face many virus diseases but we cannot stay only at home for any other diseases like Ebola and Sars virus. We are confused and disturbed by this coronavirus. Because of the spreading capacity of this virus was a threat all over the world.

Covid – 19 diseases is a respiratory illness problem. We are not afraid of this coronavirus because that is not as severe as SARC disease; this is a mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring any special treatment.

This coronavirus disease recovers when we have immune strength. But you may carefully who those are already affected by any other medical problem like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Older people are not afraid of coronavirus disease because only who those do not have strong immune power and already respiratory problems patients will develop serious illnesses if coronavirus is affected.

The symptoms of covid – 19 are commonly include fever, tiredness, dry cough, shortness of breath, body pain, and sore throat. The main symptom is a breathing problem.


Coronavirus easily spreads through droplets of saliva, cough and sneezing from the affected person. So we must wear masks and keep social distance from one another.

The sneezes travel at about 100 miles per hour, cough spread droplets as far as 6m and sneezing as much as 8m. These droplets stay suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes.

 Coronavirus cannot grow at high temperatures. So use warm water keep your distance and come out of the home after 10 am because these coronavirus viruses are not active during hot climates.

Mostly avoid air conditioning during these lockdown days because these viruses easily grow at low temperatures.

Use all purchased things when it’s totally in under the sunlight because warm will vanishes all viruses.

Don’t forget to come out home without wearing a mask and socialize stay always only at home.

Wash your hands always with soap or any correct sanitiser.

Maintain at least a 1-meter distance between you and people coughing and sneezing.

Spend your golden times usefully

Usually, this is a peculiar time for all sects of persons. Common man can’t manage easily but well economical situation persons can have extraordinary time for your future plans.

Learners and researchers got very good opportunities and people who want to develop their knowledge from any one particular area, will use this time. We can’t get another chance like that situation.

Writer is always used all the time for their work, but some disturbances and other works delay your writing work on normal days. Today you got without disturbance and silent time for your book work.

You will spend your time learning something like yoga and any crafts work.

You will spend your time learning cooking because your future routine life is easy.

Readers have a lot of time for reading new books, so don’t miss this great opportunity.

Your work is essential for every person nowadays you have a chance to make your home as beautiful.  

Others got the opportunity to learn patience and life ethics via this situation.

Stay home for you and other people because doctors work hard and sacrifice their lives for us.

Please think about doctors and cooperate with government officials who sacrifice their lives for us.


These scars are only using the mask. Very long time they wore masks without taking a rest so their faces became full of scars. That is not a scar that is called sacrification.
Why corona virus is most popular in the world? Why every country has serious awareness? Why corona virus stuffed every human into their home? Why corona virus is most popular in the world? Why every country has serious awareness? Why corona virus stuffed every human into their home? Reviewed by knowledge people creators on April 03, 2020 Rating: 5
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