Some Animals Different Adaptations behavior in nature

 Who can eat without any teeth or jaws?

Many animals have no teeth. But almost all animals have some kind of jaws to push the food in. But the anteater has neither teeth nor jaws. This strange-looking creature from South America has a tube-shaped snout that contains neither teeth nor jaws! Then how and what does he eat?

The anteater eats with its tongue. Its tongue is very long and very sticky. The anteater eats ants. It searches for an ant hill, rips it open with its paws, and licks up dozens of ants with a single swipe of its tongue. Then it sucks its tongue back into the tube-like snout and swallows the ants in one gulp.

Anteaters are strong and have sharp claws. A sharp spine behind those claws can punch a hole in another animal’s flesh. And the giant anteater can be as big as a bear!

Can chimpanzees speak?

The Chimpanzee is considered to be the most intelligent of all animals besides man. Scientists have done many experiments on them and shown that trained chimps can be taught to use a form of silent language to ‘talk’ to their trainers.

First, they learn symbols for some simple words. These symbols are made on tokens. For example, a chimp can learn that by handing a token marked with a circle he would receive a banana. Similarly, many other simple words can be represented with the help of marks on tokens. Before long, a chimp can construct his own “sentences” by placing a group of tokens in a certain order. These sentences too are simple saying things like “I want a banana now”

Some chimps were even taught to operate a vending machine. They could place certain tokens in slots which would produce different fruits accordingly. The chimps soon began to hoard their tokens and even fought among themselves over the tokens!

How many arms does a starfish have?

Although most starfish have five arms, some kinds have many, more sometimes as many as fifty!

Fishermen who search for oysters don’t like starfish because the favourite meal of a starfish is a juicy oyster. These fishermen tried to wipe out all starfish to save the oysters for themselves by catching the starfish and then cutting them into pieces and throwing them back into the water. What they did not know was that every piece of a starfish can grow into a new starfish!

How do fish breathe?

Fish do not have to come out into the air to breathe; they can get their oxygen directly from the water. They have organs called gills that take oxygen from the water.

Sometimes when small ponds start drying up, too many fish are crowded into a small amount of water. When they use up all the oxygen in the water they die or drown. Fish can also drown if their gills are damaged in a collision with an underwater plant or in a fight with other sea creatures.

Can all birds fly?

No. There are many birds, though not too common, which cannot fly. The emu and the cassowary, two large birds of Australia, the rhea of South America, and a small bird called kiwi from New Zealand cannot fly. Two better-known kinds the ostrich and the penguin also don’t fly.

These flightless or non-flying birds were not always like this. They also descended from flying ancestors. But throughout thousands of years, these grew larger and their legs became stronger to support their weight. Their wings grew smaller and weaker as they used their legs more than their wings. These flightless birds still have wings but they are not useful for flying. For example, a penguin uses its wings to paddle its way through the water.

Ostrichs have weak wings but very strong legs. It is the fastest-running bird on earth and can run at speeds up to 50 miles per hour.

Some Animals Different Adaptations behavior in nature Some Animals Different Adaptations behavior in nature Reviewed by knowledge people creators on June 18, 2021 Rating: 5
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