Unkown story of some rare birds in the world

 Did parrots exist in prehistoric days?

Indeed, parrots are one of the oldest species that lived on earth since prehistoric times, and some fossils and their remains confirm that they have not changed in their size or shape for thousands of years.

In Sanskrit literature, we read a lot about parrots and other birds. They have always been popular as pets and companions too. Even in ancient days, sailors took them along their voyages as companions.

Parrots are basically tropical birds and like to live in forests. They move together usually in flocks. They make their nests in the holes of big trees to lay eggs. Parrots are vegetarians, unlike many birds who eat insects. They enjoy eating fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables such as chillies full of seeds.

Parrots can be seen swinging from branch to branch using their bills as well as their feet while searching for their food. Their claws are very useful for them. Holding a small branch with one claw, a parrot can enjoy holding and eating his food with the other claw.

There are more than 600 species of parrots, living mostly in tropical countries. Many of these can be taught to “speak” some words. The African grey parrot is considered the most intelligent bird and also the best talker.

Parrots are usually colourful birds and look beautiful. Besides, they are strong and hardy in the sense that they can adjust to different climates and places. Parrots can live well in captivity and usually have a very long life.

What is a mockingbird?

Mockingbird is the popular name of an American bird which can mimic almost any sound it hears. It is also a songbird that can sing beautifully a song of its own.

The ‘Mocking’ ability of this bird is most unusual and remarkable. People have heard it imitate even sounds such as the barking of a dog, the screech of a wheelbarrow, the crackling of a hen, or a man’s whistle.

An observer once heard a mockingbird mimic the notes of 32 different birds within ten minutes! But the mockingbirds have very sweet and delightfully varied songs of their own too. Unlike other singing birds the mockingbirds repeated each phrase several times in succession before taking up another one.

In some parts of South America birds are loved as cage birds. They are sociable and trusting and seem to enjoy man’s company. They sometimes make nests in the vines or shrubbery growing near house doors.

The common mockingbird of America is about ten inches long, greyish above and dull white below with white patches on the wings and tail.

The nest of a mockingbird looks like a bulky open cup of grass, twigs and rootless strings, feathers, and anything else that seems handy. A nest may hold three to six pale blue-green eggs with brown spots. Both parents build the nest and show great courage in protecting their babies.

Can penguins fly like other birds?

Many species of living creatures have changed in size shape and habits and are today quite different than what they were thousands or millions of years ago. Penguins are one such variety.

According to the results of research and studies, the penguin that lived in prehistoric times was six feet tall and could fly like any other bird. Today out of the 17 species of penguins, the largest one called the emperor penguin is just about one meter tall and weighs about 36 kg. The wings of the penguins are now short flappers and are useless for flying.

Why did this happen to penguins? According to one explanation, the reason is that the penguins had very few enemies. They lived in the quiet remote areas in the Antarctic regions where there was practically no other creature that could attack them.

They lived happily on land and water without fear. They did not use their wings for generations and the wings slowly became very small and stiff and useless for flying.

The penguins are great swimmers and divers. They use their wings for swimming instead of for flying! Since they live in a very cold climate, they have a thick coat of fat to protect them from cold.

The penguins are famous and are loved for their comic looks. They stand straight and stiff on two legs, flat-footed. When they walk their movements and manner seem so formal and stiff that it looks comical to the human eye.

 They often arrange themselves in regular files, just like human soldiers. Their plumage is made of small, scale-like feathers and it looks as if they are wearing a black coat with a white shirt inside!

Can an owl see at night?

The looks and the strange sounds of owls gave them special importance and man attached many superstitions to this strange eyes bird. The ‘hooting’ sounds of the owl are so scary that they are considered a sign of death or ill omen in many parts of the world. But the owl is also considered an intelligent creature and is the symbol of wisdom for many.

Owls of different species and sizes are found in almost all parts of the world. Owls, unlike other birds of prey, have virtually noiseless flight.

Owls have very large eyes. The orbs are directed forward, which gives them binocular sight. The eyeballs are sensitive and elastic so that they can be focused quickly at any distance. The owl can open the pupil of its eyes very wide and this enables it to see even in the little light of the night.

Besides binocular vision, the owl has very sensitive ears too. The ears of an owl have a flap on the outside which other birds don’t possess. Some owls have a kind of trumpet of feathers near their ears which help in better hearing.

More than a hundred species of owls are found in different parts of the world. A few tropical African and Asian owls are fish eaters, but most of these birds live on small mammals and small birds. Their extraordinary vision, sensitive ears and noiseless flight enable them to hunt even at night.

Unkown story of some rare birds in the world Unkown story of some rare birds in the world Reviewed by knowledge people creators on June 07, 2021 Rating: 5
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