Know some special word in mathematics like “What is Gyroscope? What is Fathom? What is Hamming codes?”

What is commensurable?

Measurable in terms of the same units.  For example, a 20-centimetre length is commensurable with a 1-meter length as both can be measured in centimetres, but the length of a side and that of a diagonal of a square are not commensurable.

What is Greenwich Mean Time?

The sun transits through all points on a meridian, hence every point on an E-W line has a different noon time, which gives the local time. The earth may be thought of as divided in a zone each with a standard time based on the local time of some meridian crossing the zone. Thus, each hour covers a time extending across 150 of longitude. Noon at Greenwich is taken as noon in the British Isles, Portugal, Morocco and a part of West Africa. Noon in central Europe is at 1.00 pm. G.M.T.

 What is Gyroscope?

A gyroscope is a rotating object that tends to maintain a fixed orientation in space. For example, the axis of the rotation earth always points in the same direction towards the Pole Star. A spinning top or a cyclist is stable when moving at speed because of the gyroscopic effect.

What is Parseval’s theorem?

The theorem of Fourier analysis states that Bessel’s inequality holds as equality for a square-integrable function. The term is also applied to extensions of this to any complete orthonormal sequence in a Hilbert space, named after the French mathematician, Marc Antoine parseval de Chenes, who had to flee France after he publicised poems critical of Napoleon.

What is Fathom?

A unit of length is used to measure the depth of water. It is equal to 6 feet (1.8288 m)

What is goodness to fit?

The extent to which observed sample values of a variable approximate the value derived from a theoretical distribution.

What are Hamming codes?

A class of efficient error correcting codes, usually binary codes, that allow the recipient to diagnose and correct a certain number of transmission errors per word, with the change of a high proportion of errors being negligible.

What is a Heuristic?

It is based on trial and error, for example, some techniques in iterative calculations.

What is Histogram?

A statistical graph that represents, by the height of a rectangular column, the number of times that each class of result occurs in a sample or experiment.

What is Hypocycloid?

A curve is described as a point on the circumference of a circle as it rolls around the inside of another fixed coplanar circle. The form depends on the ratio of the radii of the circles.
Know some special word in mathematics like “What is Gyroscope? What is Fathom? What is Hamming codes?” Know some special word in mathematics like “What is Gyroscope? What is Fathom? What is Hamming codes?” Reviewed by knowledge people creators on November 26, 2019 Rating: 5
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