TRANSISTORS The whole history of transistors invention-to understand what is transistors and semiconductors

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We know about semiconductors and semiconductor materials like silicon and germanium that are making an electronic revolution in the electronics world. In the early days vacuum tubes were scientists used. But vacuum tubes were large and unreliable. So scientists are thinking about alternative electronic equipment. scientists Walter Brattain and John Bardeen invented a transistor in the year 1947 which is 100 times stronger than a vacuum tube and more reliable. 


The scientists applied an electric current to gold wires on a plastic triangle held over a crystal of germanium. Finally, scientists found that germanium amplified the signal. After 1960, transistors were possible to fit the entire electrical circuit of a radio. Most transistors were made from silicon, which is cheaper than germanium.

Silicon is a semiconductor material that is found in minerals such as quartz and sand.  Transistor radio was first appeared in 1954. The radio stations began with transistors, and they enjoyed music.

Nowadays transistors are very cheap and get it easily. All electronic devices contain transistors and students are practically used with different types of transistors. 
TRANSISTORS The whole history of transistors invention-to understand what is transistors and semiconductors TRANSISTORS The whole history of transistors invention-to understand what is transistors and semiconductors Reviewed by knowledge people creators on December 30, 2018 Rating: 5
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