The Inventions History of microscope, stethoscope and syringe


We know that a microscope is used to maximize microorganisms. In those days people observed how a blob of water or a bead of glass could make things look bigger. In the 13th century glass makers had to make glass lenses which were used as spectacles to correct poor eyesight. In the 16th people used lenses to study small letters. The microscope seemed to be invented in several places at once. But most historians agree that Zacharias Jansen made the first microscope, in 1590. He was made a microscope device as objects magnified nine times and showed rather blurred images.

After the invention of Jansen, Antony van Leeuwenhoek was making his own primitive microscopes. He makes a microscope with only one lens but it could magnify up to 200 times. Using this microscope Leeuwenhoek saw bacteria.

Image result for microscope old model

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Nowadays scientists are using a 3D microscope which is used to view living cells. Those microscopes are very clear and magnifying extraordinary level.


In medicine, the stethoscope was a great invention. It works with the principle of multi-reflection. The movement of the heart is listening clearly with the help of a stethoscope. A French doctor Rene-Theophile-Hyacinthe Laennec was the first physician to realize that a tube would make it easier to listen to body fluids.  a small story behind the invention of the stethoscope. Laennec was a shy type, once upon a time he examined a woman who suspected heart problems. 

He needed to listen to her heart, but those days doctors placed his head on the chest, he did not agree to place his head on the chest of the woman. So he exited from that place and he saw two boys playing with a wooden pole in the courtyard. He used that idea in the listing heartbeats. He rolled a piece of paper into a tube and placed this against her heart. At the time he was delighted because this rolled piece of paper could hear so much more clearly than direct listing.

The improved stethoscope was designed in 1855 by an American doctor George Philip Cammann. The inside of the stethoscope he added a diaphragm which picked up more sound.

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The latest stethoscope is used to hear sounds very clearly. This cardiology stethoscope includes high-frequency sound at 48 dBA.


Syringes are just like pumps. When a syringe is drawn back from its chamber, it creates a vacuum inside the chamber suddenly, the needle sucks liquid medicine into the syringe. At the different think when a plunger is pushed down, liquid is forced out through the needle. This invention of the syringe had its origins in the 17th century. Christoper Wren and Robert Boyle invented the syringe. At the same time, Dominique Anel has invented a syringe. Today’s syringe was invented by Charles Pravaz in the year of 1853. The modern syringes are made of plastic and used as use and through. The latest syringes have micro-needles which a small patches containing 400 tiny needles.

                                                            Image result for old syringe

Latest technology

The latest syringes are made as easy point needles like micro needles and nano needles.

The Inventions History of microscope, stethoscope and syringe The Inventions History of microscope, stethoscope and syringe Reviewed by knowledge people creators on May 20, 2019 Rating: 5
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