A hole in the Pacific Ocean could cause an earthquake in the United States


In 2015, a strangely a hole was discovered in the Pacific Ocean by Washington scientists in the United States. This hole is a fault line on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. It has been several years since this hole was discovered, and scientists from the University of Washington were shocked when they conducted a study.

The reason is that a hot liquid is coming out of this hole and scientists believe that a terrible earthquake or tsunami can occur in the northwestern part of the United States. This hole is located 80 kilometres from the coast of Oregon in the United States. This fault line is 965 kilometres long and is called the Cascadia subduction zone.

The hot fluid that can come from this hole is an ancient Greek spring called Pythias Oasis. This fluid contains mind-altering gas that can cause pressure on the Earth's plates. So scientists believe that it can cause an earthquake of about 9 Richter magnitude or it can turn into a tsunami.

A hole in the Pacific Ocean could cause an earthquake in the United States A hole in the Pacific Ocean could cause an earthquake in the United States Reviewed by knowledge people creators on April 22, 2023 Rating: 5
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